Another ReSourcing gift for you

Need some time to pause?

As promised, here is a gift for you to see you through the festive season.

In addition, there is so much going on in the world at present, so much suffering on so many levels, all speaking in to some forgetting of the interrelatedness we share with all life.

It seems ever more important to take these moments to return and to attune to the wild softness of our own bodies and to remember the part we are moved to weave within the great web of life.

I recorded and put together this practice playlist for you. 

One is an Embodied Rest session and the other is a Gentle Somatic Movement exploration.

Each track is around 17 minutes. They can be explored as stand alone practices or you can join them together for a longer practice of around 35 minutes of resting, moving and attuning to your body.

In the ReSource sessions for mothers of all ages, we will be exploring resting and moving in a similar way. 

You will have the opportunity luxuriate in softening and receiving through a guided Embodied Rest session and in nourishing and reviving your body, mind and being through a delicious Gentle Somatic Movement exploration.

Sessions will be held with spaciousness, offering time to honour transitions and to process and integrate the material through journalling, mark making and sharing with your peers. 

The beauty of these sessions is that you are welcome to come as you are. You will be encouraged to listen to what you need throughout the sessions and to honour that. The invitation is to stay present to your experience and to hold it with loving attention as it emerges into becoming and shifts into the next moment.

Dates & Booking can be found here.

More information can be found here.

Wishing you a wonderful festive season, with moments of pause and connection.

With fire in the heart,
